Hey everybody, it's me again. I've done quite a bit since I last posted a blog. I played out in Mexico
and that was quite an experience. I can't say I played well, but I did learn a lot. The golf course itself was gorgeous, but
off the property it wasn't the safest place to wander around. It really did make me appreciate all that we have here in the
States. After I came back from Mexico I headed out to Phoenix to Monday qualify for the Safeway International. I played well
in the qualifier and made it, but then didn't finish the week so well. I did get to play in two pro-ams on the Saturday and
Sunday and met some great people, but I'd have to say the best part of AZ was the fact that my dad flew out so I got to spend
some much needed quality time with him.
We enjoyed a round of golf, well actually 17 holes because there were three groups on the 18th and
I was getting hungry and no one likes to be around when I'm hungry. My dad knew better and we drove in and headed to dinner.
When we were at the course we saw some interesting things. We saw these animals called javelinas which are like wild boars.
I had been warned about them, but I underestimated their creepiness. I was thinking more along the lines of Simon and Pumba
from The Lion King. I am an animal lover, but these guys disgusted me til no end!!!! Then we saw these cacti doves. They actually
build their nests in the cacti because they know nothing will come in and try to harm them. Those were pretty neat. Well that's
enough Animal Planet with Anna, moving on!
I had this week off and I am headed back to Mexico on Monday for some more tacos!!! I got the chance
to catch up with my buddies here in West Palm which was nice because most of them left this week to go back up north for the
season. As you all know, I went to Duke so the past few weeks have been rather disappointing seeing that they got knocked
out of the NCAA basketball tournament so quickly! Things are beginning to look a little brighter because as I write I am watching
Kansas dominate UNC, hopefully I didn't speak too soon. Well I need to start getting organized for my trip. I am really looking
forward to playing this coming up week because I feel like I am beginning to get comfortable out there playing in the big
league!!! I have to say it is a little bit of a transition from college golf, but I am really enjoying it and that's what
it is all about because life is short!!! I will try and take some pictures in Mexico to share with you, I forgot my camera
on the last trip out. Anyway, have a great week. I will post a blog when I get back from the Corona Championship, cheers!!! Anna
Hello everyone!!! As I am writing this I'm in Williamsburg, Virginia. I tried to Monday qualify for Kingsmill, but didn't
quite get the job done. I am staying in Kingsmill for the week and getting stuck here isn't the worst thing that could have
happened. There are quite a few courses around so I have had time to practice and play. Last night we had a party at Busch
Gardens and let me tell you, it was quite a night!!! It started out with a solid dinner buffet accompanied by some great music.
The staff kept part of the park open just for the LPGA and our guests. Lots of the girls and caddies showed up for the party
and we rode some pretty big coasters!
I leave for New Jersey on Sunday and have a bit of a busy week between the first stage of U.S. Women's
Open Qualifying and the LPGA Sybase event. I am pretty excited about getting back up to the Northeast, it has been too long!
The week after the Sybase Classic I am headed to the LPGA Corning Classing in New York. That should be a fantastic week because
I will be able to see some of my family.
Things are a little hectic right now because my tournament schedule is starting to pick up and I am
trying to find some time to move my belongings from West Palm Beach, Florida back up north to good ole' Rhode Island. After
that whole process gets done I will feel a little more settled.
Oh hey I forgot to tell you. Because I didn't get in this week and I have a little extra time on my
hands I figured I would get some rookie hours under my belt. Some of my buddies out here told me to get some by riding around
with one of the rules officials, Janet Lindsey. We had a blast! It was interesting to be out there yesterday because it was
a bit of dicey day with the weather. It was wild to see exactly how the officials work together before and during the event
to get it to run as smoothly as humanly possible. Janet and I had some great life chats and it was quite an eye-opening experience
both inside and outside the golf world. After spending a good bit of time with Janet and learning more about the LPGA staff
I am really going to try and socialize more with them. I find what they do intriguing and more importantly it seems as if
the players out here, including myself, have quite a support group within the LPGA staff.
I feel like I have been all over the map with this blog today. Lots of rambling. Not a whole lot else
to share with you. I am just looking forward to moving back to Rhode Island and spending time with my parents and my dogs!!!
I am also psyched to get back to my home course, Point Judith Country Club! Well I hope all of you are enjoying the golf season!
I wish you lots of birdies. Take care!
It has been a bit since I last wrote. I have been all over the place the last seven weeks or so. I
just finished up the road trip by qualifying for the Open. I’m psyched about it, especially because it is my first one.
I flew back to West Palm after the qualifier and set a record on how quickly you can move out of a place. I just finished
packing and shipping things back up to Rhody. I fly out tomorrow morning and I am pumped. I hustled so I could get back to
my cousin’s high school graduation! It is going to be great because both of my sisters and their boyfriends are headed
to RI too. It seems like forever since I have seen them.
The last few weeks have been very busy, but outside of golf,
I got to do a few things! Number one, I had the chance to see my oldest sister in NY. She drove from the city with her boyfriend
and we met for dinner. I also got the chance to spend the night with her because I had a meeting in the city with the agency
I signed with!!! We had a blast, but as always, the visit was too short. The other non-golf highlight was getting to a Red
Sox game in Baltimore! I went with a couple buddies from the tour and we had fantastic seats, about ten rows behind home plate,
thanks to Birdseye, my friend and Pat Hurst’s caddy!!! We had an amazing time even though the Sox lost :)
flight leaves at 7 a.m. tomorrow - I’m counting down the hours! It will be a brief stay in Rhode Island because I am
going to head to Rochester to try to Monday Qualify. After Rochester, I am headed out to the Midwest for the Open. Not a whole
lot else going on - just happy to be moving back to RI for the summer months. Well, I have to finish cleaning up. I will take
some pictures at the graduation party and share them with you all in my next blog. Stay cool in this heat spell we have going.
Take care! Go Celtics!!!